Read our rules, before writing in #Gamers.IRC otherwise: kick or ban!
- #Gamers.IRC is a support channel for Gamers.IRC. Nothing else.
- Do not advertise for other web pages or IRC channels.
- Gamers.IRC is not a Counterstrike clan, please don’t search wars/clans/members. You will get help by typing ?? xonx, then the Gamers.IRC Bot will tell you the correct channel.
- The Gamers.IRC Bot will help you. Type ?? keyword (example: ?? auth).
- At questions as „hi“, „hello, someone here“, or „i have a question“ etc., we won’t react, ask your question and wait an appropriate time, someone will answer.
- For some problems, you’ll find answers in our forum at Use the search function first.
- Many questions are already answered in our /FAQ, there’s no need to state them again!
- Do not query operators.
- Do not write large/fat/underlined or colored text (at least no whole lines).
- Just ask your question one time, should there be now answer, please write your question in our forum at or send an e-mail to support1 [at] gamersirc [dot] net.
- Do not spam. Do not repeat. Do not paste more than 3 lines at one time. You can use to paste error reports or similar.
- No discussions about hacks/bots or other illegal programs etc..
- Do not divide sentences into several lines.
- No fake nicks. Use a proper nick.
- No extreme use of scripts. Do not repeat a script.
- No extreme nickchanges.
- No pornographic content.
- No mutually dispute. If you need argue, open a query.
- Do not ask for +o/+v
- Do not offense other people.
- Only questions about Gamers.IRC. Please just ask your question and don’t spam it
General IRC questions: #help
Scripting questions: #help.script
General questions: #advice
Use a /query for private discussions. - If there is an error message, please copy it ALWAYS completely (but never more than 3 lines) into the channel. Example: „Cannot join channel, you must be authed to join (+r)“ instead of „I can not join #2on2“.
- No /amsg. You can use the xmsg-script.
- Only speak english or german.