10 Years of Gamers.IRC

18. November 2010 von Tuxman

Ten years ago, on November 18, 2000, Felensis, today known as Aeuniko, released beta 5, the first public version of the mIRC script collection Gamers.IRC which was reworked several times during the following years. Gamers.IRC 3.1 looked rather different yet:

Many things have been changed since then, many small and not so small improvements have been made; and although we sometimes seem to take our time between the versions, we are constantly working behind the curtains:
Gamers.IRC 6.00 is almost ready and done, many busy beta testers helped us well during the last few weeks to make the upcoming Gamers.IRC version even better.

We still appreciate your comments and wishes.
How should we continue for the next ten years? What should we improve, what should we change, what do you like the way it is?

Our board is a place for your creativity. We heartily invite you to make use of it.

Let us make another decade!
– your Gamers.IRC team

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